Another Look Unlimited Day – September 6, 2022, history, quotes,
The perfect time to clean out your closet is Another Look Unlimited Day, which occurs on the day after every Labor Day — September 6 this year. This is the best opportunity to go through your belongings and take another look — literally. Rake through your clutter and see what’s fit to reuse, gift, donate, or even sell.
I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
Maya Angelou

Some say you never truly appreciate something until you take another look at it, and this applies to most situations. Having another look can open your eyes to new outlooks and perspectives you never previously took into consideration. This is all Another Look Unlimited Day is all about!
Although the history of the day itself cannot accurately be traced at the moment, there have always been an infinite amount of ways to view different scenarios, ideas, and apparently, even our personal belongings. It is human nature to collect things as we live our lives and go through experiences. However, these items don’t all necessarily remain essential parts of our daily lives, and soon become nothing more than a memory, or even worse, clutter. We definitely are all guilty of this. However, this doesn’t mean the things we consider junk cannot become treasures for someone else.
This is where Another Look Unlimited Day comes in handy. It encourages us to actively go through the stuff we have piled up over time, and give them a look over. Think spring meets fall cleaning! We get to clean out our closets, attics, and basements, see what items can be reused, those that could make a nice gift to someone else, those that can be donated to people that may need it, and even possibly all those that can be dusted up and sold for some extra cash.
Take the time out to go through some of that abandoned clutter in your home, and give some items a new purpose. Another Look Unlimited Day occurs annually and is the day after Labor Day.
The Era of Rummage Sales
Shipping yards sell off unwanted cargo and items at discounted prices, and later, they leave the docks and move into the communities via charity bazaars and community spaces.
Decluttering Becomes a Thing
The verb ‘declutter’ is first recorded in the mid 20th century.
The Yard Sale Era
The American yard sale starts post WWII with the period of rapid urban expansion.
The Push We Never Knew We Needed
A mega-selling book about decluttering is published — “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” by Marie Kondo.
Declutter your home
Clean out your closets and all other spaces in your home, and take out the items you don’t need anymore. You can even go ahead and categorize these items into things you can reuse, gift, donate, or sell.
Donate an item(s) to charity
Find at least one item amongst your clutter that you can donate to charity or give away. There is always someone out there in need of your unwanted belongings.
Share your thoughts on social media
Get to social media to increase awareness, share your thoughts and ideas, and maybe learn something new while at it. Use #AnotherLookUnlimitedDay to spread the word.
It can affect your breathing
According to “Alliance For Healthy Homes”, cluttered homes often contain more dust, which can cause or trigger breathing problems.
It stresses you out
Clutter raises the levels of the stress hormone called cortisol.
It keeps your mind messy and decreases productivity
A study by Princeton University found that clutter decreases productivity, and messy surroundings compete for your attention while distracting you from your priorities.
It upsets the kids
Children living in severely cluttered environments tend to be less happy, have trouble making friends, and are more likely to shy away from visits and play dates.
It can stop you from getting that promotion
Certain surveys say that 28% of employers are less likely to promote someone with a messy desk.
It gives us an opportunity to clean and declutter
Another Look Unlimited Day gives us the perfect opportunity to clean out our homes and get rid of unwanted items that clutter them. If you’ve been procrastinating that spring cleaning, this is the perfect day to get it done.
We get to revisit memories
Looking through items that have been gathered up within the past days, weeks, months, and even years gives room for reminiscing. This also gives us an avenue to revisit some fond memories that are the result of some of our valuable life experiences.
It pushes us to repurpose discarded items
This day encourages us to dig up discarded belongings and find new ways that they can be useful. This can be in different forms; putting them to other uses in our homes, gifting them to others, or donating them to charity. Whatever it is, finding new uses for old items always brings a sense of fulfillment.
What does ‘declutter; mean?
To remove clutter or unwanted items from a room, area, house, etc.
Is Another Look Unlimited Day a real thing?
Yes, it is! Another Look Unlimited Day occurs a day after Labor Day and is the day reserved for cleaning, decluttering, and repurposing some unwanted belongings.
Is cluttering a mental illness?
While cluttering is not included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, it is widely recognized as a condition that affects both men and women in all socioeconomic classes and is commonly dealt with in psychotherapy and community support groups