National Motorcycle Ride Day – October 15, 2022, history, significance
The second Saturday of October is celebrated as National Motorcycle Ride Day and aren’t we all grateful for this blessing of a day. The first motorcycle was built in 1885 in Germany and has been dominating the roads ever since. Their popularity has brought about various motorcycle types, the major ones being street, off-road, and dual purpose. These are further divided into many subtypes; these subtypes often have a racing counterpart.

For many, the motorcycle is more than a means of transportation, it is an experience, a feeling, an adventure like no other. It is often associated with emancipation, the desire to break free from all the chains. It comes as no surprise the motorcycle has managed to secure its place in everyone’s heart. It is one adrenaline-filled ticket to your freedom.
The first motorcycle came into existence in 1885, when Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach, two German inventors, built an internal combustion gasoline-fueled motorcycle. It was named “Daimler Reitwagen” (riding wagon), the first of the modern motorcycles that we all know today. This invention inspired many others, who began making their versions of the self-propelled bicycle.
In 1894, Hildebrand & Wolfmüller became the first series production motorcycle. Soon, other big companies joined the bandwagon, such as English Royal Enfield, Triumph, American Harley-Davidson, Indian Motorcycle Manufacturing Company.
Motorcycle production escalated during the First World War, to improve communication systems with front-line troops. Motorcycles replaced messengers on horses with dispatch riders who carried messages, conducted reconnaissance activities, and acted as military police. After the Second World War, the motorcycle industry experienced widespread popularity brought about by lower costs, engineering advancements, and better road networks.
Today, motorcycles represent one of the most affordable forms of transport all across the planet, with Asia-Pacific and Southern and Eastern Asia regions dominating the market. The evolution of the motorcycle from being an instrument of transportation to a thrill-packed adventure machine is why it deserves a special day of appreciation. And the month of October gives us the perfect opportunity to celebrate the wonders of this great invention.
The First Coal-Fired Steam Engine Motorcycle
The Velocipede is a two-cylinder, steam-powered motorcycle.
Officially Named
German company Hildebrand & Wolfmüller are the first to call it the “motorcycle.”
William Harley and his friends Arthur and Walter Davidson launch the Motor Company.
National Motorcycle Ride Day
The holiday is founded for celebrating riding motorcycles in the fall weather.
Join a riding group
Team along with other enthusiasts to celebrate this day. Participate in riding events and discover a whole new world of adventure.
Plan a trip
It’s time to take that trip you have been planning for years. Search for the best and the most scenic places to ride the motorcycle.
Meet up with other riders
Everything gets better if you have someone to share it with. Connect with other bikers and plan activities together. Make the celebration a year-round event.
Yamaha manufactured pianos
Yamaha is a multinational conglomerate that still produces musical instruments.
Tomato soup can carburetor
A tomato soup can was used as a carburetor in the first Harley Davidson motorcycle.
Motorcycle theft months
The highest number of motorcycle thefts happen during July, August, and September.
The longest motorcycle jump
The record for the longest motorcycle jump was set by Robbie Maddison in Melbourne, Australia, jumping 346 feet.
Harley-Davidson is the leading motorcycle manufacturer
Harley-Davidson is the leading motorcycle manufacturer, producing 5.6 billion dollars in revenue in 2017 in the U.S. market.
Motorcycles are fun
The feeling of riding the wind cannot be put into words, one has to experience it themselves to know it. The exhilarating ride is enough to feed the starving soul. So if you want to experience what true freedom feels like, hop on and go wherever the road takes you.
They are affordable
Unlike the costly supercars, motorcycles can be extremely affordable, without cutting out the fun. They are an easy and affordable form of transportation that will get the work done without burning a hole in your pocket.
Motorcycles are environmentally friendly
Motorcycles are considered an environmentally friendly mode of transportation. Their low fuel consumption and lower per-mile carbon emissions make them a friend to the environment. Giving you a guilt-free adventure-packed ride that you need.