National Quesadilla Day – September 25, 2022, history significance why we celebrate

National Quesadilla Day – September 25, 2022, history significance why we celebrate

National Quesadilla Day is annually celebrated on September 25, and it is a great time to enjoy this delicious meal! Originating from Mexico, quesadilla has evolved over time as a result of the many experimentations people have had with different variations of it.

It is one special dish that provides your taste buds with much delight while at the same time giving your body much-needed nutrients. This mouth-watering food is enjoyed by many people in the USA and has gained popularity all around the world as a result of its easy-to-make recipes.

History of National Quesadilla Day

Quesadillas were likely invented in the southern regions of Mexico where Aztecs would have made corn tortillas. It’s unclear exactly who started filling these corn tortillas with cheese. While some have suggested that the quesadilla might have been brought to the West from Spain, it’s more likely that it originated right in Mexico.

Of course, like many dishes, the quesadilla has developed over the years and different variations have evolved into what it is today. Now, these little Tex-Mex sandwiches have popped up in Mexican restaurants throughout the globe.

National Quesadilla Day (Dia de la Quesadilla) was founded in 2020 by V&V Supremo, which is an American company that makes cheese and other Mexican products. The idea for the day is simply to show affection and honor for this little food that can act as a snack or an entire meal.

Put National Quesadilla Day on the calendar and get ready to celebrate!


500 B.C.
The Birth of Tortillas
Corn tortillas are made in Mesoamerica.

16th Century
Quesadillas Come into Existence
The earliest forms of quesadillas originate in northern and central Mexico.

19th Century
Quesadillas Gain Popularity
Other countries around the world begin making and eating quesadillas.

21st Century
Beyond Mexican Cuisine
Quesadillas cross over from just authentic Mexican restaurant menus to more typical chain restaurants.



It has a literal cheesy meaning
The word ‘quesadilla’ literally translates to “little cheesy thing”

They are good for muscle gain
Quesadillas provide energizing carbs, filling fiber, nutrient-packed vegetables, and muscle-building proteins.

It comes in different sizes
Quesadillas are either made by placing cheese between two tortillas or a single tortilla folded into a half-moon shape and stuffed with cheese.

They are popular in America
Though they are traditionally Mexican, quesadillas are widely eaten by Americans, with one in three Americans making it every week.

They can be made with or without oil
The original quesadilla recipe does not require oil, however, it can be fried in oil to make fritas.

How to Celebrate National Quesadilla Day

Enjoy celebrating National Quesadilla Day with some of these delightful and delicious ideas:

Eat Some Quesadillas
The perfect way to celebrate National Quesadilla Day is to enjoy eating an order of quesadillas. Head over to a Mexican or Tex-Mex restaurant for lunch with coworkers or dinner with the family, and then order up the chicken quesadillas or cheese quesadillas that are on the menu. Don’t forget to add some guacamole, salsa or pico de gallo for partnering with these tasty, cheesy, Mexican sandwiches.

Make Some Quesadillas at Home
One of the best things about quesadillas is that they are not only delicious but they’re super simple to make! Simply heat a skillet with a bit of oil or non-stick cooking spray. Put a flour tortilla on the skillet. Sprinkle on some cheese, chicken or other fillings. Pop another tortilla on top and let it cook for a few minutes until golden brown. Cut into triangles like a pizza and enjoy!

Host a National Quesadilla Day Fiesta
Looking for an excuse to have a party? Look no further! The only thing better than enjoying quesadillas on your own is having some with friends. Host a little gathering of family, friends or coworkers in honor of National Quesadilla Day.

Invite guests to don their favorite sombrero or perhaps a colorful serape in honor of the day. Decorate with pinatas, cactuses and other brightly colored, themed items. Play some delightful music from south of the border and hand out some maracas from Mexico so that guests can join in on the musical fun.

Drinks can include anything from a Mexican theme, such as Dos Equis beer, Modelo, Corona or Sol Cerveza. Other delightful beverages could include Margaritas, Palomas, or even Horchata. And, of course, the feature food of the evening (and perhaps even the guest of honor) will be a huge platter piled full of tasty and delicious quesadillas!

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