National Tattoo Story Day – September 16, 2022, history significance quotes FAQS
National Tattoo Story Day is on September 16 and we are ready to inspire you to get your body inked! Tattoos are an ancient form of body art that has lasted long enough for us to take an interest in and practice it. Did you know that aside from the national day for celebrating the art of tattooing, July 17, National Tattoo Story Day has been observed annually since 2015 as a day dedicated to the stories behind our tattoos? Now you know!

National Tattoo Story Day is celebrated annually on September 16 to commemorate the stories that led to our inking. The tattoo train is one a lot of people still get nervous to board, making it important to celebrate the courage of the few who broke out of that mental shackle to finally get an engraving of art on their body.
Tattoos are also usually an expression of a person’s story. Sometimes even a prediction of where they are headed in life. They serve an important part in cultures across the world and continue to evolve with modern usage. And unlike other art forms, their permanent nature makes them perfect for etching memories that remain dear and indispensable to us!
Historically, tattoos can be purely decorative, symbolic, or pictorial depicting a thing or an emotion on a person’s body.
In the U.S. tattoo exploded in the 1940s and Norman Keith Collins, AKA Sailor Jerry, played a huge role in establishing what is now known as the American Traditional way of tattooing.
The Hawai -based war veteran combined what he learned from the American, European, and Japanese ways of tattooing to establish a whole new style that’s now known as the American Traditional way of tattooing.
Statistic-wise, according to the result of a survey conducted by Statista, as many as 140 million Americans representing 44% of the people that answered yes when asked if they have one or more tattoos, have a tattoo!
Although it appears that many people have tattoos in the United States, it is still considered an act of rebellion to get one especially considering that according to the same survey’s report, around three to 17 million people have a tattoo around their face region with the tear-drop tattoo being one of the most popular tattoos people get.
Native islanders are the first to use the word ‘tatau,’ modern-day ‘tattoo,’ to describe their body art, according to a published account of James Cook’s voyage to Tahiti.
The First U.S. Tattoo Parlor Opens
The oldest U.S. tattoo parlor opens in Long Beach, California.
The Oldest Figurative Tattoos
The oldest figurative tattoos in the world are discovered on two mummies from Egypt, which are dated between 3351 and 3017 B.C.
The First National Tattoo Story Day
The first National Tattoo Story Day is observed.
Get a tattoo
Considering that getting a tattoo is still regarded as an act of rebellion, getting inked is perhaps the best thing you can do to observe National Tattoo Story Day and break the mental mold that still holds thousands of people back from getting a tattoo.
Listen to other people’s tattoo stories
Amazing stories are being shared of the event that finally led to people getting inked. Provide a listening ear for those stories online and offline to celebrate National Tattoo Story Day.
Use #NationalTattooStoryDay on social media
What better way to celebrate National Tattoo Story Day than to share your tattoo story on social media? Use the hashtag #NationalTattooStoryDay to contribute to online discussions that will inspire someone to get a tattoo.
40% of Americans have them
More than four in 10 people in the United States have at least one tattoo, according to data from Statista.
They are sometimes a turn on
In a dating app study, 18% of women and 14% of men said tattoos are a turn-on.
The oldest U.S. tattoo parlor opened in 1927
The oldest U.S. tattoo parlor opened in 1927 in Long Beach, California.
Most people with tattoos have no regrets
Just 19% of participants in a recent survey said they regretted getting their tattoo, while 81% said they have never had second thoughts.
Keith Collins invented the American style of tattooing.
The Hawai-based war veteran Norman Keith Collins, AKA Sailor Jerry, invented what is now known as the American Traditional way of tattooing.
It reminds us of how courageous we are
Overcoming the fear of getting a tattoo is serious! It takes true courage to finally decide to get tattooed regardless of what your friends or family might think of them.
It allows us to relish our decision to get tattooed
National Tattoo Story Day serves as an avenue for us to relish in the amount of courage it took to get tattooed either for the first time or in a very visible part of the body.
It motivates us to look back at our journey
Tattoos are usually a pointer to how we were at a particular point in time in the past! So, National Tattoo Story Days are days to look back on our progress from a point in time.
Is National Tattoo Story Day a holiday?
No, it’s not. National Tattoo Story Day is celebrated across the country just like any other observed day but you won’t get the day off from work like some other holidays.
What makes a tattoo American traditional?
The American Traditional way of tattooing is characterized by its bright and vivid colors, clear black outlines, and minimal shading that makes it one of the most iconic tattooing styles there is.
What day is National Tattoo Day?
July 17 is the national day for celebrating the art, practice, and artists dedicated themselves to tattooing.