Stay Away From Seattle Day – September 16, 2022, history significance quotes FAQS
Yes, you read it right — Stay Away From Seattle Day is very real and is celebrated on September 16 every year. It is a much-needed day off for the Emerald City from the influx of people coming in all year round. Everyone needs a break and Seattle, one of America’s best cities to live in, is no exception.

Seattle, Washington, is widely considered one of the best cities in America for multiple reasons. Companies like Amazon, Microsoft, and Nordstrom create a large number of job opportunities in the city. In addition to that, Seattle is also home to Starbucks, the Space Needle, the Pike Place Market, and many more tourist attractions.
But that’s all that Seattle residents want them to be — TOURIST attractions. With a wildly large number of people either trying to or successfully moving to Seattle every year, the current residents are not a fan of the increasing crowd. Instead, they are more than happy to welcome tourists who come for a few days, spend their money, and go home.
While Pacific Northwesterners are considered some of the nicest people, even they need a day off from host duties. Considering this, comedian and actor Thomas Roy created Stay Away From Seattle Day. In an interview with the “Los Angeles Times”, he said, “Those people deserve at least one day a year when everybody stays the hell away. No planes in. No buses in. No nothing in.”
In fact, Roy isn’t the first person to stand up for Seattleites. Back in the early 20th century, columnist Emmett Watson promoted a fictional organization called Lesser Seattle, which fought against the rapid growth, urbanization, and population growth of the city. Over the years, Seattle has remained one of the fastest-growing cities in America. Considering the multi-centurial need for a break, it may not be the worst thing to stay away from Seattle for a day!
Welcome to Seattle
Arthur Denny and the Denny Party land in the area and name it ‘Seattle.’
Seattle is Reborn
After mass destruction from the Great Seattle Fire, Seattleites rebuild the city — higher and sturdier than before with brick instead of wood.
Watch Out for Seattle
Seattle’s very own farmers’ market, the Pike Place Market, opens in 1907; the famous Space Needle is built for the World’s Fair in 1962; and Starbucks opens its very first store along the streets of Pike Place Market in 1971.
Give Seattle a Break
There is rapidly increasing urbanization and population growth and the need for a break from the never-ending crowd is identified.
Do what Roy said
This one is a no-brainer. The best way to observe Stay Away From Seattle Day is to just stay away from Seattle. Unless you’re a resident, of course. Then go out and enjoy your city how you see fit without the hustle and bustle of tourists.
Plan your next trip
Just because you have to stay away physically doesn’t mean you can’t be there mentally. Spend the day planning your next trip to Seattle and daydream about all the fresh produce at the Pike Place Market, a hot cup of Starbucks, and the endless ferry boat rides you can take!
Support Seattle
Whether or not you’re a resident, Seattle has and continues to provide a place to call home for innumerable people over the years. You can give back to it by supporting local businesses that have stood the test of time, donate to local organizations, or even attend local events if you’re in the area.
It has Native American roots
The city was named after the Duwamish Indian chief — Chief Seattle.
It knows its music
Seattle was the first city to ever play a Beatles song on the radio.
It’s always sunny in … Seattle?
The city of Seattle sees the most purchases of sunglasses compared to any other city in America.
It’s home to “Grey’s Anatomy”
The popular show “Grey’s Anatomy,” which just got renewed for its 18th season, is filmed in Seattle.
The Space Needle defies gravity
It is believed that if you ride up the elevator in the Space Needle during a snowstorm, it looks like the snow is falling up!
It highlights the importance of breaks
No matter who you are or what work you do, everybody needs a day off — even a city. Breaks are not only important but also essential for well-being. You do you, Seattle!
It’s a playful holiday
Just reading the name of the holiday is enough to make one smile. Fun fact: Stay Away From Seattle Day is one of the 80 special days created by Thomas Roy and his wife, Ruth Roy.
It makes you fall more in love with Seattle
We all want what we can’t have. Being told to stay away from Seattle ironically makes one think about all the reasons to be in Seattle — and there’s too many to count! The ferryboats, the farmers’ market, the Space Needle, the museums, and so much more.
When is Stay Away From Seattle Day?
National Stay Away From Seattle Day is celebrated worldwide on September 16 every year.
Are there actually no busses or planes coming in on Stay Away From Seattle Day?
While that was Roy’s vision, it is not true. Transportation occurs as per regular scheduling.
Is Stay Away From Seattle Day a real holiday?
It may not be recognized as a national holiday, but Seattleites deserve one day to themselves and we should let them have it.