National Cinnamon Raisin Bread Day – September 16, 2022, history, significance, quotes FAQS

National Cinnamon Raisin Bread Day is celebrated on September 16, and you don’t have to bake bread to join in! According to historical accounts, the gaffe that led to the invention of cinnamon raisin bread by

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National Working Parents Day – September 16, 2022, history, significance, FAQS

National Working Parents Day – September 16, 2022, history, significance, FAQS Working Parents Day is an annual celebration that takes place on September 16. Working parents have to manage several responsibilities at one time. Holding down a full-time job, taking care of their children’s all-round needs, daily household responsibilities, and most importantly, taking care of themselves. It’s only fair they get the appreciation they deserve. HISTORY OF WORKING PARENTS DAY The creators of Working Parents Day remain unclear, however, it is a much-needed holiday to appreciate the efforts of people…

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