National Texas Energy Savings Day – September 7, 2022, history, quotes, tweet

National Texas Energy Savings Day – September 7, 2022, history, quotes, tweet Texas Energy Savings Day is celebrated on September 7. The majority of Texans are overpaying for their electricity, and with so many complicated plans and bills, many Texans don’t even realize it. By staying on top of their energy contracts and learning how to better understand their bill, Texans have the opportunity to reduce their electricity bills — sometimes massively. HISTORY OF TEXAS ENERGY SAVINGS DAY How did it get to this?Texas has an annual energy consumption equal…

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Onam festival – September 7, 2022, history, quotes, tweet, Indian festival, Kerala

Onam festival – September 7, 2022, history, quotes, tweet, Indian festival Celebrating the rice harvest, Onam is one of the three primary Hindu celebrations, along with Vishu and Thiruvathira. Originating in the Indian state of Kerala, the legend goes that King Mahabali brought forth a golden era during his reign over Kerala. Despite his ego, he passed a test set forth by Vishnu, proving his devotion to his people and lands, and so he is allowed to visit Kerala again once every year. Onam celebrates Mahabali’s annual homecoming through a…

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National Tatiana Day – September 7, 2022, history, quotes, tweet

National Tatiana Day – September 7, 2022, history, quotes, tweet National Tatiana Day takes place on September 7 every year. It’s a day set aside to honor all of the notable people who bear the name Tatiana. Tatiana is a Sabine-Roman female name that gained popularity in Eastern Europe. Tatiana is a feminine variant of the Roman name Tatius, which is a derivation of Tatianus. This was the name of a saint who was martyred in Rome during the reign of Emperor Alexander Severus in the third century. Her name…

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National Regina Day – September 7, 2022, history, quotes, tweet

National Regina Day – September 7, 2022, history, quotes, tweet National Regina Day is held yearly on September 7. Regina is derived from the Latin language meaning “queen.” St. Regina was a French saint woman said to have lived in the third century. She was a virgin martyr (known in France as Sainte Reine) and has been associated with the name since medieval times. Reginas are known to be brave, bold, and capable of fighting great battles for good causes. They are kind and sensitive to others and can teach…

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National New Hampshire Day – September 7, 2022, history, quotes tweet

National New Hampshire Day – September 7, 2022, history, quotes tweet National New Hampshire Day is observed each year on September 7 by residents of New Hampshire in the United States. The day recognizes New Hampshire becoming the ninth state to join the Union. New Hampshire, also known as the Granite State, is the epitome of New England in many ways. New Hampshire is famous for its breathtaking landscapes, fascinating history, and hospitable people. The motto of the state is “Live Free or Die” coined by the revolutionary hero, John…

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National Neither Snow Nor Rain Day – September 7, 2022, history ,quotes, tweet

National Neither Snow Nor Rain Day – September 7, 2022, history ,quotes, tweet National Neither Snow Nor Rain Day is on September 7, and it’s a special day for us to say a little thank you to our postal service workers. They have been of service to us for decades, and through those years, have been steadfast in delivering our precious parcels. The seemingly strange name for the day comes from the unofficial motto of the United States Postal service, “Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night…

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National Grateful Patient Day – September 7, 2022, history, quotes, tweet

National Grateful Patient Day – September 7, 2022, history, quotes, tweet National Grateful Patient Day is on September 7, and it serves as the best day to show our healthcare workers the appreciation they deserve. The day is also focused on the families and caregivers of anyone receiving life-giving medical care and, additionally, the courageous patients who are grateful to be alive. Healthcare professionals have been there as long as medicine has, and we can never truly thank them enough. HISTORY OF NATIONAL GRATEFUL PATIENT DAY Healthcare workers go above…

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National First Day of Peel Season – September 7, 2022, history, quotes, tweet,

National First Day of Peel Season – September 7, 2022, history, quotes, tweet, National First Day of Peel Season takes place on September 7 every year and it celebrates healthy skin. The beginning of fall is the best time for skin peeling — deep exfoliation treatments. It is because there’s less sun exposure to worry about, making the season safer for stronger enzyme peels and chemical peels. These treatments exfoliate away the weathered layers of summer skin to reveal that enviable autumn glow. This season also comes before the harsh…

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National Feel the Love Day – September 7, 2022, history, quotes, tweet

National Feel the Love Day – September 7, 2022, history, quotes, tweet National Feel the Love Day is celebrated on September 7 each year in the United States. It doesn’t matter what kind of love you are celebrating— it could be your family, friends, pets, or romantic partner. National Feel the Love Day is about spreading the joys of love as wide as you can. The day is a reminder of how all kinds of love make our lives richer. Love makes us happy, secure, and feel understood. This is…

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International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies – September 7, 2022, history, quotes, tweet

International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies on September 7 is observed to recognize the importance of clean air in our health and daily lives. Air pollution is the most serious single environmental threat to people’s health and one

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