Actress Nora Fatehi appears before Delhi Police for questioning in Sukesh Chandrashekhar extortion case Nora Fatehi will be also be confronted with Pinky Irani, who introduced the Moroccan Canadian actor to Sukesh Chandrashekhar. Bollywood actor Nora Fatehi on Thursday appeared before Delhi Police Economic Offices Wing (EOW) for questioning in connection with an extortion case involving jailed conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar. This is the second time she has been called for questioning by the Delhi Police in the extortion case. Pinky Irani, who introduced Nora Fatehi and actor Jacqueline Fernandez to…
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SC sends conman Sukesh to Mandoli jail; denies probe on extortion charge at Tihar
The ED informed the court that upon investigation into the ₹215 crore extortion case executed by conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar between July 2020 and August 2021, he paid ₹12.5 crore as bribes to jail officials SC sends conman Sukesh to Mandoli jail; denies probe on extortion charge at Tihar The Supreme Court on Tuesday ordered the transfer of conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar and his wife from Delhi’s Tihar jail to Mandoli jail and “consciously” decided not to deal with his allegation of extortion against prison officials as ‘the matter ought to be…
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