Teenager Workout Day – September 16, 2022, history, quotes FAQS
Teenager Workout Day falls on September 16. The teen years are the first time we become aware of social influences around us. Such issues involving family, gender roles, and beauty standards suddenly garner more attention as we start to form critical thinking.
Along with puberty comes not just physical changes but a shift in the way we view the world and ourselves. When obesity is present in the home, it can be damaging for teens to grow and develop properly into healthy adults. Teenager Workout Day is relevant because it allows teens an opportunity to start an active lifestyle for the better.

Teenage Workout Day aims to spread awareness about teenage obesity while helping them look for better ways to exercise. Many schools and government programs in the U.S. have targeted childhood obesity. To supplement these efforts, this day is dedicated to giving teens a chance to start a workout program.
In 2017, over four million deaths associated with obesity have been reported globally. Obesity is defined as excessive fat accumulation that presents a health risk to the individual. A Body Mass Index (B.M.I) of over 25 is considered overweight while anything over 30 is obese.
It has grown to become a leading problem in the U.S. Over 12 million children and teens have been affected. Family history, low self-esteem, stress, and medications are seen as contributors to this. Illnesses such as diabetes and high blood pressure are some of the physical complications associated with childhood obesity. Breathing problems such as asthma and sleep apnea are also more common in those who are overweight. Joint pain is also a concern since extra pounds cause stress on the hips and knees.
Aside from switching to a healthy diet, physical activity is also an excellent way to fight obesity. While losing weight is the main focus of exercise, there are also positive mental effects of working out as well. It leads to less stress, a sharper memory, curbing unhealthy addictions, as well as helps to alleviate anxiety and depression.
Slowly working to change your family’s eating habits and increasing their activity levels can greatly benefit teens in the long term. Starting to form positive habits while they’re young can help them grow into physically and mentally fit adults.
1980s —1990s
Bigger is Not Better
An increase in meal portion sizes, less focus on physical education in schools, and consumption of fast food contribute to the rise in childhood and teen obesity.
February 2010
FLOTUS Says Move It
First Lady Michelle Obama launches Let’s Move!, which is a public health campaign that aims to reduce childhood obesity in the U.S.
2017 —2018
American Kids Have a Big Problem
Nearly 20% of U.S. children and teens aged two to 19 years old are obese.
September 16, 2018
Teenager Workout Day is First Observed
Fitness trainer Greg Bouskila dedicates a day to promote exercise for teens in response to the ballooning obesity rate.
Watch a sports movie
Movies are also a good way to enjoy sports. Pick one with a sport your teen is interested in. Who knows? After getting inspired by the movie’s life lessons, it could be just the thing that finally starts them on their fitness journey.
Buy workout gear
They may not have the fastest time or the best form yet but they can look like they do. A sleek swimsuit, a new ball, or cool running shoes can be great motivators to exercise.
Volunteer as a workout buddy
Walk (or run) the talk and get moving with your teen. Let them choose the activity and do it with them. Not only are you setting a good example, but you can also be their cheering squad when they accomplish their exercise goals.
It makes you feel good
Physical activity stimulates the production of endorphins, which are the brain’s feel-good neurotransmitters that elevate mood.
It builds strong bones and muscles
It helps release hormones that promote your muscle’s ability to absorb amino acids aiding in their growth, as well as building bone density which may prevent osteoporosis.
It keeps skin healthy
It improves blood circulation which leads to delayed signs of skin aging.
It promotes better sleep quality
Working out helps you sleep deeper and longer, making you feel more well-rested.
It boosts energy levels
Regular exercise can increase energy levels, even in people who suffer persistent fatigue and those with chronic health problems.
It’s a great way to make friends
Working out can be a physical and social event. It becomes something to look forward to. Having a workout buddy or joining a group sport can motivate you to stick with the activity as well as push your limits.
It gets them off the couch
Teens can be notoriously lazy. Spending too much time in front of screens compounds the problem. When they regularly participate in either a group or solo exercise activity, they can effectively avoid the pitfalls of a sedentary lifestyle later on.
It alleviates boredom
How many times have you heard a teen say, “I’m bored!” Learning a new sport or engaging in physical activity keeps both their body and mind busy.
How to celebrate Teenage Workout Day
If you want to participate in this holiday, start by searching easy but effective workout routines to bring into your daily routine. If you’re a concerned parent, try and initiate this holiday into your local public school and help their local board change the way their high school runs.
Share this holiday on social media and let your friends know what day it is using the hashtag #teenageworkoutday. Talk with your friends about creating a new workout team so you can be healthy with your friends and bring up the struggles and discussion points about why being unhealthy can harm you rather than help you .
Is it ok to work out as a teenager?
Exercising regularly is part of a healthy lifestyle. As with many things in excess, too much exercise can be harmful. It’s important to see a doctor if teens start losing too much weight, don’t meet the minimum expected growth patterns, or values exercise above normal activities like school.
How long should a teenager work out in a day?
Ideally, children as young as six through the age of 17 years should have an hour of moderate to vigorous physical activity each day. Start by getting moving three times a week and build up from there.
What workout should a teenager do?
A mix of these three types of exercises is best for optimum benefits. Aerobic activity is anything that gets the heart pumping, like running, dancing, or biking. Strength training should be included, such as sit-ups, push-ups, and squats. Flexibility exercises like stretching and yoga are also important. Always check with a healthcare provider before starting any workout routine.