World Alzheimer’s Day – September 21, 2022, history significance why we celebrate
World Alzheimer’s Day is celebrated on September 21 each year. On this day, the world concentrates its efforts on creating awareness of Alzheimer’s disease. The disease is among the most prevalent forms of dementia; a set of disorders that disrupt mental function. World Alzheimer’s Day is the perfect opportunity for us to raise our voices and find new ways of fighting the disease’s effects.
History of World Alzheimer’s Day

World Alzheimer’s Day was first launched at the tenth annual conference of Alzheimer Disease International (ADI) in 1994. The day is observed as an initiative of ADI. On this day, Alzheimer’s organizations from around the world work towards raising awareness about both Alzheimer’s and dementia diseases.
World Alzheimer’s Day aim in improving the quality of life of people who are suffering from dementia. Alzheimer’s is a chronic neurodegenerative disease that is often called a family disease. The cause of Alzheimer’s disease is not known, but it is a genetic disorder. Other risk factors like head injuries, depression, or hypertension may lead to this deadly disease.
The Alzheimer’s disease process is associated with the plaques and tangles in the brain. A survey states that in every 68 seconds, someone develops Alzheimer’s disease which usually starts slowly and worsens over time. Alzheimer’s is the cause of 60 to 70 percent of cases of dementia.
The most commonly found early symptom is the difficulty in remembering recent events or is called short-term memory loss. Advanced disease symptoms include problems with the language they speak, disorientation, loss of motivation, mood swings, not managing self-care, and behavioral issues.
ADI will look for the financial support to produce and distribute the World Alzheimer’s Day materials globally and thus enable the members to conduct the events in their countries. Often the affected people will increasingly depend on others for assistance. The bodily functions will be lost which ultimately leads to death.
The speed of the progression varies between people who have Alzheimer’s disease and their average life expectancy after the diagnosis will be three to nine years. Every September is World Alzheimer’s Month and this year will mark the 6th global World Alzheimer’s Month.
Alzheimer Discovers Alzheimer’s
Alois Alzheimer, a German psychiatrist, identifies the disease while treating a 50-year-old German woman.
World Alzheimer’s Day is Introduced
ADI launches World Alzheimer’s Day in Edinburgh at their annual conference on September 21.
The First ‘World Alzheimer Report’ is Released
ADI issues the first ‘World Alzheimer Report.’
World Alzheimer’s Month is Introduced
ADI declares September as World Alzheimer’s Month.
Spread awareness
Share useful information about Alzheimer’s with friends and family or post on social media. Being well-informed on the disease is the first step towards coping with it.
Volunteer at your local Alzheimer’s association
Volunteer at your local Alzheimer’s association. Join a march or find a way to contribute to the activities marking this observance.
ADI encourages individuals and organizations to make donations. Your financial support can go a long way towards raising awareness and organizing events.
Just over a minute
In the U.S., someone develops Alzheimer’s every 65 seconds.
Scary numbers
Projections indicate that over 14 million people could have Alzheimer’s in the U.S. by 2050.
Precious time
More than 18 billion hours of unpaid labor are spent on caregiving for dementia patients each year.
The Grim Reaper
Alzheimer’s disease ranks as the United States’ sixth leading cause of death.
Premature loss
Over 200,000 Americans who are under the age of 65 suffer from early-onset Alzheimer’s.
It brings people together
The fight against Alzheimer’s unites people around the world. From victims to caregivers, medical practitioners, and researchers, they all share the same struggle.
It provides valuable education
A theme is dedicated to each year’s observance. The message or theme helps shed light on common misconceptions about the disease.
Recognition for Alzheimer’s organizations
World Alzheimer’s Day is a great opportunity for associations to get recognition for the work they do. This puts them in a better position to accomplish their establishment’s goals.
Why purple for Alzheimer’s?
Purple is a combination of blue and red: incorporating the stability of the former and the passionate energy of the latter.
Is dementia different from Alzheimer’s?
Dementia refers to general mental decline that interferes with daily functions. Alzheimer’s is a form of dementia that is concerned with memory loss.
Does Alzheimer’s affect eyesight?
People with Alzheimer’s often suffer from visual impairment. Studies have shown that many struggle with color vision and problems with the retina.