World Samosa Day – September 5, 2022, history, quotes

World Samosa Day – September 5, 2022, history, quotes

World Samosa Day is celebrated on September 5 every year, and we are excited to celebrate this day by eating the delicious snack. Samosas are a fried pyramid-shaped dish filled with onions, potatoes, cheese, peas, and several other filling options. They are extremely popular in India, Egypt, South Africa, and the Middle East. Generally eaten as appetizers, for Samosa fans, it is a three-course meal, and World Samosa Day is a day of festivities.

Anyone who thinks sitting in church can make you a Christian must also think that sitting in a garage can make you a car.
Garrison Keillor


Despite popular belief, samosas did not originate in India where it enjoys extreme popularity. It originated in the Middle East sometime before the 10th century. It was brought to India by traders around the 13th and 14th centuries. Today, samosas are so well-loved in India that they can be found anywhere, from homes to fancy restaurants to roadside vendors.

The samosa finds reference in 10th-century gastronomic literature. Many medieval Persian texts mention ‘sanbosag,’ which is an early relative of the samosa and the cousin of the Persian pyramidal pastry, ‘samsa.’ Historical accounts refer to ‘sambusak,’ ‘sabusaq,’ and even ‘sanbusaj,’ as tiny mince-filled triangles eaten by traveling merchants around campfires and packed in saddlebags as snacks for a long journey. According to these references, traveling merchants traveled from Central Asia to North Africa, East Asia, and South Asia, and with them, samosas reached these places.

In India, samosas came with Middle Eastern chefs who migrated for employment during the Delhi Sultanate rule. Soon, it became a snack fit for the king. When the medieval Moroccan traveler, Ibn Batuta, visited India in the 14th century, he documented the banquets at the court of Muhammad bin Tughlaq, where ‘sambusak’ — a dish filled with mince, peas, pistachios, almonds, in a triangular pastry — was served to the guests. There have been numerous accounts of people enjoying this historical delight since then.


9th Century
The Gem of Akbar
Abul Fazi, one of the nine gems of Akbar’s court, mentions that Mughal Emperors relish samosas.

10th Century
Persian Texts Mention ‘Sanbosag’
Many medieval Persian texts mention ‘Sanbosag,’ which is an early relative of the samosa.

14th Century
Samosas Reach India
Ibn Batuta, the medieval Moroccan traveler, mentions samosas being served to guests of Muhammad bin Tughlaq.

Sufi Scholar Praises Samosa
Amir Khusaru, a Sufi scholar and musician, writes about samosas being enjoyed by the Indian royal court.


Eat a piping hot samosa
The best way to enjoy World Samosa Day is to eat a samosa. Samosas are best enjoyed hot and fresh out the stove.

Make samosas at home
Nothing is better than homemade samosas. Make it a family event and cook this delicious comfort food with your loved ones in your home kitchen.

Try new recipes
Scout for new samosa recipes online. Better still, go crazy and invent your very own samosa recipe.


Empanadas were inspired by samosas
After eating samosas, the Spanish tweaked the recipe a little and created empanadas.

It was not vegetarian at first
The earliest samosas were made with meat, pistachios, and onions.

It comes in various shapes
In Turkish nations, samosas come in both half-moon shapes and triangles.

It is connected to pyramids
The shape of the classic samosa resembles a pyramid, so it is named after the pyramids of the Middle East.

Vegetable samosas are the most common
Vegetable samosas are the most common samosa type, while only a few countries enjoy meat samosas.


It celebrates delicious food
Samosas are comfort food for thousands of people. World Samosa Day celebrates this yummy food loved by many.

It has a long history
Samosas are not a recent invention. They have been enjoyed through centuries and even by kings.

It brings people close
Nothing brings people close like sharing food. Samosas are best enjoyed when eaten with people.

How to Celebrate World Samosa Day

Getting involved with World Samosa Day can be loads of fun! Try out these ideas for celebrating or come up with some of your own:

Eat Some Delicious Samosas
World Samosa Day is best celebrated by indulging in these delicious fried foods. Their flavor is incredible and there is little else that is as satisfying as biting into a warm samosa and feeling the delicious fillings settling in your stomach comfortably. Many people find the seasonings used to be particularly agreeable, and think that samosas are the perfect addition to almost any meal.

Learn How to Make Samosas At Home
This deep-fried pastry with spicy filling really isn’t that difficult to make. Start by boiling the potatoes. While they are cooking, make the dough using all-purpose flour, caraway seeds, and some oil.

Mix up the dough with your hands for several minutes, until it resembles coarse breadcrumbs (the same as for making a pie crust). Form a ball out of the dough and let it rest for 30 minutes before rolling it out.

In the meantime, cook up the spices in some oil, including whole cumin, ginger, and diced green chiles. At this point, the option of adding chopped cashews to the recipe can be a fun one! Now, get ready to add the spices, such as chili powder, garam masala, cumin powder, salt, fennel powder, and other optional spices according to taste.

Once the dough is chilled, knead it, divide it into separate portions and then roll it out into circles. Cut the circles in half, roll them into cones, fill, and close up the edge. The trick to getting the dough to stick to apply water to the edges to create a seal.

Deep fry them in hot oil and then get ready to enjoy delicious, homemade samosas!


Which country is famous for samosa?
India, specifically South India, is known for samosas.

Which country banned samosa?
Samosas are banned in Somalia.

In which state in India is samosa most famous?
In Gujrat, the patti samosa is very popular.

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