Eating Healthy Day November 2,2022, history, significance

Eating Healthy Day November 2,2022, history, significance

It’s no secret that your diet plays a vital role in your overall health and your ability to recover from injuries and illness. Every year we find more and more that what you eat can have dramatic effects on your quality of life, and every food choice can have lasting repercussions that stay with you throughout the years. Eat Healthy Day was established to remind people of the importance of managing their diets, and to stay aware of what they put in their bodies.

History of Eat Healthy Day

The movement to Eat Healthy Day goes back nearly as far as the Food Pyramid, though conversations about the important role food play in our health have gone back much further. As health science advances we have learned how including certain elements in our diet can improve our health, or be detrimental to a long and healthy life.

Salt has been a central ingredient in many recipes and styles of food, and that, in turn, has led to problems with heart health as a high-sodium diet can lead to high blood pressure in those with sodium-sensitive blood pressure.

The food we eat contains the building blocks that go into our body, and just like any construction if we use low-quality materials, we can’t expect the building to last the ages. There’s a common misconception that healthy food has to taste bad,

but the truth of the matter is that healthy food can be some of the most delicious you put in your mouth! Rich fruits, savory low-fat chicken, crisp, tasty salads, and a myriad of nuts, seeds, berries, all await you taking the time to get to know them.

When Eat Healthy Day rolls around why not take the time to examine your diet and step out on a limb with how you eat?

How to celebrate Eat Healthy Day

Celebrating Eat Healthy Day can be a fun and tasty experience if you get into the spirit of it. Overall you need to take some time to think about what you eat and take a little time to consider portion control. Far too often the problem isn’t necessarily what we are eating, but simply how much of it we consume. Anything out of balance can become a problem, so on Eat Healthy Day consider how you can make better choices for your health.

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