Sagittarius zodiac horoscope Today November 5,2022, astrology Prediction
Dear Sagittarius, with the Moon in Pisces today, some of you might feel it is not your day. The reason behind this could be problematic issues with colleagues or a lack of cooperation on their part.

Astroyogi astrologers recommend you not to lose hope. Your endurance and grit will turn the tables in your favor. You might have woken up feeling negative and unmotivated,
but you will notice a considerable mood swing for good as you move through the day. Light blue is lucky for you. Between 6:30 pm and 7:30 pm is a lucky time for you.
Sagittarius love life today
A romantic encounter today will add spice to your life and keep you in a joyous mood. There are indications that you will enjoy the company of your beloved while indulging in leisure activities. Not only will it rejuvenate your mind and body but will also give you the opportunity to know and understand each other well.
Sagittarius career today
Today you may feel like your work profile is changing in ways you didn’t foresee and may not feel prepared for. Do not worry because this change has come to you for a reason.
You have been contented in your current skill set for too long! Time to spread your wings. You may look at changing your job now, which will bring you a new sense of interest in your work.
Sagittarius Finance Today
Financially, you have seen some recent gains and, therefore, today will see a boost to your self-confidence and self-esteem. You should always feel proud of your career and financial accomplishments,
and can expect that your overall financial goals will be met in the long term thanks to your careful planning. You will make the right investment decisions at this time; just be confident.
Sagittarius health today
Today you may find yourself thinking about taking up yoga and meditation in order to improve your emotional stability and state of mind. You want to eat more fresh foods in order to improve your diet.
Even spending quality time with friends sounds like a great way to improve your positive mood. Today make yourself feel fit and well on many levels.
Sagittarius travel today
You need to take extra care of your luggage if you are travelling today.
Lucky Number – 6
Lucky colour – dark blue
Lucky time – 05:16 AM