Capricorn horoscope today November 11,2022, Astrology Prediction
With the influence of the Moon in Gemini, you may be feeling confident and enthusiastic today. Your sharp mind will help you assess and solve a complex problem that has been a source of much mental stress and anxiety for you.

Your intellectual capacity and logical reasoning are at their best, and even the trickiest of jobs are handled by you with ease. Capricorn daily horoscope 2022 recommends that you use this time to your advantage.
Schedule important meetings or events between 2:30 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. for optimal results. Sea green is your lucky color for today.
Capricorn love life today
Things could be a little bit tense at this time in your relationship. Keep you temper in check and don’t get annoyed too easily. You may hurt someone. Married couples will find themselves indulging in needless arguments and will find the argument going in circles.
This can be avoided if you show a little sensitivity to your partner’s needs. Try to be calm and understanding at this time.
Capricorn Career Today
Today be very methodical in how you make decisions regarding your career. If you make any decisions in haste you may find that you regret the choice that you made. Weigh all the pros and cons and use your logical mind to make choices.
You will find that your intellect and your business acumen are working overtime and that you are right about the way things are going to shape up in your career.
Capricorn Finance Today
Be careful where you leave your possessions today as some losses are likely. Avoid carrying any valuable stuff with you. You will tend to be a bit absent-minded and in the process might misplace some of your valuable possessions or put them in a situation in which they might be stolen. Keep a note of where you keep your things to avoid mishaps. Remember, anything can happen today!
Capricorn health today
If you drive a car or are a motorcycle rider, then be cautious and careful about your driving. Today is a day when accidents are indicated, so be alert and defensive on the road.
Minor bumps and crashes can be avoided just as long as you pay close attention to what you are doing, as well as what others around you are doing. Also, don’t spend too much time outside as sunburns are likely.
Capricorn travel today
Today is a good time to travel. You shall get happiness and relaxation from trips with family.
Lucky Number – 7
Lucky colour – cream
Lucky time – 07:02 PM