Conflict Resolution Day – October 20, 2022, history, significance,
Conflict Resolution Day is observed on the third Thursday of October every year, falling on October 20 this year. Conflicts tend to arise in many areas of our lives, such as workplaces, relationships, and families. It is an unavoidable process of life. What is important, however, is how we resolve it. Conflict resolution does not have to be nasty; it can be resolved through peaceful methods.

In any relationship, disagreement is unavoidable, and possessing the ability to peacefully resolve it when it arises becomes necessary. Conflicts arise because humans have needs, and in a bid to satisfy their individual needs and interests, disputes occur because of clashes of interests. These conflicts can arise between family or friends. It is in consideration of the above that the Association for Conflict Resolution (A.C.R.) established in 2005 what we now know as Conflict Resolution Day.
In inaugurating this important day, A.C.R. highlighted promoting awareness of mediation, arbitration, conciliation, and other creative, peaceful methods of resolving conflict as the motive behind its formation.
Also, promoting conflict resolution in schools, families, businesses, communities, governments, and the legal system. The day also seeks to recognize the significant contributions of peaceful conflict resolvers and to obtain national synergy by having celebrations happen across the country and around the world on the same day.
Conflict Resolution Day, which has now been celebrated for over 15 years, coincides with the ABA Mediation Week of the American Bar Association. The week was created to build on the efforts of many other national, state, and local organizations, including the Association for Conflict Resolution. The ABA and A.C.R., along with other organizations, raise awareness of the importance of mediation and conflict resolution.
Actively contribute to spreading the message on the importance of peaceful methods of conflict resolution. Small steps can lead to a great deal of peace in our lives and even the world.
The Benjamin Franklin Effect
Benjamin Franklin, in his autobiography, proposes and popularizes a peaceful means of resolving conflict: “When friction enters a working relationship …. Sometimes the best path through it is an indirect one — ask for a favor.”
Theodore Roosevelt Ends the Russo-Japanese War
President Roosevelt successfully negotiates a treaty that ends the Russo-Japanese War.
The 1990s
Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process
The Israeli-Palestinian peace process occurs as a direct consequence of progress in peace talks between the states.
Seeds of Peace
An American journalist named John Wallach establishes Seeds of Peace to recruit young people from conflicted countries to spend time together at a camp in Maine.
Learn different types of resolution methods
Conflict resolution can be done in many ways, such as confronting and collaborating. Learn the different types of conflict resolution so that the next time you are faced with one, you will know how to resolve it.
Resolve a personal conflict
Conflict Resolution Day can be used to resolve a personal conflict that you may have with someone. It’s time to confront it, resolve it, and get closure.
Mediate for someone
You can offer to mediate a conflict for someone, maybe a family member or a friend. Note that to effectively serve as a mediator in any conflict, you must be disinterested in the outcome.
The study of conflict resolution
Conflict resolution is studied in economics, law, business studies, sociology, psychology, and political science.
Conflict resolution on non-humans
Conflict resolution has also been studied in dogs, cats, monkeys, snakes, elephants, and primates
Counseling as an antidote
Counseling can be vital when a personal conflict leads to frustration and loss of efficiency.
Expression of patterns
There need to be an expression of exclusive patterns for an actual conflict to occur.
Conflicts are mixed-motive
Thomas Schelling (an economist) and Morton Deutsch (a social psychologist) recognize that most conflict situations are “mixed-motive” interactions.
Increase awareness for mediation and arbitration
Conflict resolution is important to maintain peace and harmony. It helps to increase awareness of mediation and arbitration. Conflict Resolution Day also promotes other forms of non-violent methods of resolving disputes.
Nurtures peace
The main goal of conflict resolution is to promote peace and harmony. Through conflict resolution, one can overcome the problems one is facing with people. This will allow them to lead happier lives.
Helps to bring closure
Every conflict begs for resolution. Sometimes the resolution could mean (for a couple) parting ways amicably. And it’s all right if the interests of both parties are served. Conflict resolution allows closure, instead of letting a situation simmer.