When is the auspicious time to tie Rakhi not tied on August 11, otherwise it may happen

When is the auspicious time to tie Rakhi not tied on August 11, otherwise it may happen

It would be best to celebrate the festival of Rakshabandhan on Friday, 12th!

The reason is that on Thursday the 11th, the full moon date will start from 09:35 in the morning, and from the same time Bhadra is also starting which will remain till 8:53 in the night and on the second day i.e. 12/8/2022 till 7:16 in the morning there will be full moon . Therefore, neither there are any auspicious programs in Bhadra, nor there can be any program of Rakshabandhan, nor can there be a program of listening.

Therefore, it would be best to celebrate the festival of Rakshabandhan on the second day, Friday, the 12th.

If a person does the work of Rakshabandhan – Sun Gimana on 11th night, then he can do it. But after 8:53 pm.

Udaya Tithi Purnima is on Friday 12th August till 7:15 am only.
On Friday, 12th August, the work of Rakshabandhan will continue throughout the day according to Udaya Tithi, after celebrating Raksha Bandhan and listening to your home till 7:30 pm.

It has been said in the scriptures that the day which is the Udaya Tithi will have its value throughout the day. Therefore, Manglik work will be considered for the whole day.

Therefore, you should celebrate the festival of Rakshabandhan and Shravani Karma on 12th Friday only, the whole day will be pure.

Why is Rakhi not tied in Bhadra?

Rakhi should not be tied on Rakshabandhan in Bhadrakal. There is also a legend behind it. Rakhi, the sister of Lankapati Ravana, had tied a rakhi on his wrist in Bhadrakaal itself and it was destroyed within a year. Bhadra was the sister of Shani Dev. Bhadra had received this curse from Brahma ji that whoever does auspicious or auspicious work in Bhadra, its result will be inauspicious.

Why we are celebrate Importance of Rakshabandhan

Raksha (Raksha Bandhan) is celebrated on the full moon date of Sawan Mass every year. The festival of Rakshabandhan will be celebrated on August 12 on August 12. This festival is considered a symbol of the unbreakable door of the relationship of the brother and sister. According to Hindu traditions, the festival of Rakshabandhan strengthens social relations with the affection. On this day, the brothers take the promise to play all the obligations of his sister, the sister also wishes God’s longevity to God.

, Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare |
, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare ||

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