president Zelenskyy vows to regain Russian-occupied Donetsk & Crimea; avers ‘will counter robustly’

Zelenskyy vows to regain Russian-occupied Donetsk & Crimea; avers ‘will counter robustly’

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has once again vowed to recapture the regions captured by the Russian forces, especially Donetsk and Crimea.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has once again vowed to recapture the regions captured by the Russian forces, especially Donetsk and Crimea. While addressing his nation on Sunday night, Zelenskyy stressed that Donetsk has always been one of the richest and strongest cities in Ukraine and mining has always been one of the most respected professions.

“The proud and glorious Ukrainian Donetsk was humiliated by the Russian occupation and robbed. Russia brought the most terrible thing there – absolute disregard for the value of any life, absolute disrespect for anyone,” he said.

“The invaders brought degradation and death. And they believe that they are there forever. But it’s a temporary thing for them,” he added. Further, Zelenskyy pledged to return the dignity of the people of Donbas and the ability to live “safely” and “happily” in the region. The President said he will definitely take back Donetsk, Horlivka, Mariupol, Azov area, Kharkiv, Zaporizhzhia, Kherson and Crimea from the Russian occupation.

Lambasting Russia for its invasion and stating that “Ukraine remembers everything”, he informed the country about his meeting with the representatives of the defence and security sector. The same was conveyed by Zelenskyy during an address to the Crimea Platform summit last week. He promised to do all he can to win back the Crimean peninsula, annexed by Russia eight years ago.

Zelenskyy says Russians will witness consequences

According to the war-embattled President, the meeting was attended by the heads of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, intelligence, the Security Service of Ukraine, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Without providing details about the meeting, he affirmed the Russian forces will feel the consequences. “We are preparing for a new week – it will be very active. No terrorist will go unanswered for attacks on our cities. Zaporizhzhia, Orikhiv, Kharkiv, Donbas – they will receive an answer for all of them,” Zelenskyy said in a staunch warning to the invaders.

Furthermore, during the address, he appealed to the world leaders to provide more military and economic aid to the war-ravaged nation. Also, he urged other countries to impose further sanctions on Moscow. “Defence support – weapons and ammunition, financial support, political support, media support, support for our reconstruction – every day every public official must demonstrate results in his area of responsibility,” he said.

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