Republicans recruit 45,000 ‘poll watchers’ ahead of midterms to avoid 2020 poll fiasco
“RNC has built an unprecedented election integrity ground game to ensure that November’s midterm elections are free, fair, and transparent,” RNC Chairwoman said

Former President Donald Trump’s Republican Party has recruited more than 45,000 poll watchers to keep a tab of the ballots in the battleground states as the midterm elections loom around the corner. The GOP lawmakers are “leading the Republican ecosystem to deliver transparency throughout the process and ensure voters have confidence in the American elections,” the Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel told Breitbart News on Monday.
She stressed that ahead of the midterm polls, RNC has made gigantic investments in across 17 states with acclamation candour admiral and 35 in-state acclamation candour councils. The GOP has appointed the poll watchers as during the 2020 ballots former US President Trump widely propagated the electoral fraud narrative, not acceding the victory to his then adversary Joe Biden.
“The RNC has built an unprecedented election integrity ground game to ensure that November’s midterm elections are free, fair, and transparent. Polling shows that voters want common-sense election integrity safeguards such as bipartisan poll observation,” RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said.
An influx of Republicans volunteered to become poll workers
Just a few months ago, an influx of Republicans volunteered to become poll workers for the November midterm elections as the political battlegrounds geared up for the ballots. Several groups were recruited by the Republican National Committee (RNC) and other conservative organizations to administer the “fair” elections, a report published by American broadcaster CNN confirmed. Republicans’ recruitment sessions and how some of the would-be poll workers would be appointed were largely driven by the debunked claims of election fraud by the ex-US commander in Chief Trump.
“It is jarring to know that there is a political party, or a cohort of a political party, that is feeding folks misinformation and will use that as motivation to potentially interfere with our elections and with citizens’ right to vote,” Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, a Democrat, told the outlet. The new hiring and appointments come despite the RNC shutting out so-called “ballot security” for years under a federal consent decree adopted during 1981 gubernatorial elections. The decree forbade the off-duty law enforcement officers appointment at polling places, especially in areas of minority communities but was scrapped in 2018.