Sagittarius zodiac horoscope today 3 November 2022, astrology Prediction
Dear Sagittarius, with the Moon in Aquarius, you feel relaxed. Today you feel like completing all the pending tasks around the house.

Go ahead as the transit helps these issues get resolved with relative ease. You would have the support and a helping hand of your close ones in the domestic sphere. Do accept their help, suggest Astroyogi astrologers.
As the day ends, you will feel victorious after having completed the pending tasks. Today, wear the color gold for good luck and prosperity. The time between 10:00 am and 12:00 pm is favorable for you.
Sagittarius love life today
Expect today to be fruitful for you in the world of romance. You will spend the day caught up in thoughts about your beloved and may have trouble getting anything else done. Pass the time however you can and then look forward to the evening, Spend an evening in the quiet and loving company of your partner.
Sagittarius Career Today
Some healthy competition at work may motivate you to exhibit your real talent. This will encourage you to work to your full potential as you strive to achieve your targets and excel over others.
There are indications that it would keep you on your toes most of the time and will bring about a very satisfying final result. The best thing about this competitive atmosphere is that this would bring rich dividends in the long run by enhancing your career prospects and your drive.
Sagittarius Finance Today
Material goods are likely to get broken today, so avoid making expensive purchases. Be gentle with your things, as you can avoid this situation just by showing a little extra attention and care to the things you handle.
However, some electronic items may go haywire. Also, be very careful while handling expensive or really fragile items as a lot of mishaps are bound to happen today.
Sagittarius Health Today
Today is a good time to enrol in a study course or a hobby to get your mind off any health problems you have been having. You need to take a break and try something different, something you haven’t ever tried but always wanted to. It’ll help there is no better time than now, as they say!
Sagittarius travel today
The country that you should visit is Croatia! The food is superb and the people are incredibly welcoming.
Lucky Number – 8
Lucky colour – violet
Lucky time – 09:25 PM