SSC CGL Tier II Answer Keys 2022: Objection raising link activated, here’s direct link
SSC CGL Tier II Answer Key: The objection-raising link for the SSC Combined Graduate Level Examination (CGL) Tier-II Answer Key has been activated by the SSC.

SSC CGL Tier II Answer Key:
The objection-raising link for the SSC Combined Graduate Level Examination (CGL) Tier-II Answer Key has been activated by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC). Those candidates who are not satisfied with the answer key can raise objections against it by using the link given at –
The commission had activated the Response Sheets for SSC CGL Tier-II along with the tentative Answer Keys on August 24, but the link was deactivated due to some internal issues. The link has been activated, and now candidates can challenge the answer key by visiting the official website.
Candidates must take note that the link will be available from August 29, from 6 pm to September 2, till 6 pm. In order to raise objections, candidates are required to log in on the official portal by using their registered login ID and password. SSC conducted the CGL Tier-II Examination 2021 on August 8 and August 10 at different centres all over the country for recruitment to various posts.
The candidates may take a printout of their respective response sheets, as the same will not be available after the above-specified time limit.” reads the official notification
Objection raising fees
Candidates can raise objections against the answer key by submitting the prescribed fee of Rs 100 per question or answer challenged
Steps to download the SSC CGL Tier 2 answer key
Step 1: Candidates must go to the official website to download the SSC CGL Tier 2 answer key.
Step 2: Then, on the homepage, click on the Answer Key link.
Step 3: Click on “Uploading of Tentative Answer Keys along with Candidates’ Response Sheets (s) of the Combined Graduate Level Examination (Tier-II)-2021”
Step 4: Candidates then need to click on the link given in the PDF document.
Step 5: Enter your login credentials and click on the “Submit” button
Step 6: Download the answer key and check it.