The journey towards riches with Bhagavad-Gita.

Authored by Sage Ved Vyasa, the Bhagavad Gita have a significant role in the Vaishnava tradition amongst various Hindu community both within and outside of India. One of the central text of spirituality the Bhagavad Gita also holds good for the material world. Here are some of the most mystical rather practical principles from the same:
1. The Garden of life:
Many self improvement books emphasis the importance of considering the human mind to be the most fertile garden in the world which if not maintained can host a number of ugly unwanted plants. The same idea is also conveyed in the Geeta where Krishna calls the human body a ksetra or a farmland. Thus, in accordance with Bhagavad Gita, to acquire riches you must sow the seeds of ideas and thoughts and then try to manifest the whole into reality.
2. What goes wrong?
You would have seen people blaming the extrinsic factors, when it comes to justify their failure. The fact is, what goes wrong is inside. Extrinsic factors may be cruel but they are NOT PERMANENT. You may blame the outside situations but they are constantly changing. The culprit is within. It’s inside us, in the form of desire. Small desires are useless until they are converted into a goal or an obsession. Desiring small is just distracting yourself from the bigger picture or actually eliminating your chances of success.
3. The art of balancing:
Balance is the key to riches. Till you don’t know how to balance yourself mentally and to prepare yourself for your goal the hard work you invested is a wastage of time. IF YOU CAN’T BALANCE YOU WILL FALL. This is a simple law of nature. Thus, before starting your journey towards the riches try balancing yourself.
4. You are reflection of your environment:
Your environment usually influences your life even more than you think. What you eat, what you think, how you talk or even the most smallest aspects of your life is a medley of your belief, faith and the people who surround you. Your whole circumstances, decision making, reaction to adverse situation, etc. are just a simple reflection of what you have taken through your sense organs. YOUR MIND RADIATES WHAT IT TAKES IN. If you want yourself to be successful surround yourself to a successful environment.
Bhagwat Geeta can do miracles for even the dumbest of people existing in the world. The fact is implementation. I don’t know what your circumstances are or what problems you are facing. The fact is if you will not change now, you will never change. Thus, try today and install a goal in your life because A LIFE WITHOUT A GOAL, is like throwing away a rare jewel in ocean of tranquility.