USA:Does the world need more babies? Elon Musk, father of 10 surely thinks so

Does the world need more babies? Elon Musk, father of 10 surely thinks so

At a time when the experts explored ways to control the population, Tesla CEO Elon Musk again advocated to “make more babies” in order to protect the world.

At a time when the experts explored ways to control the population, Tesla CEO Elon Musk, on Monday, again advocated to “make more babies” in order to protect the world from the danger to civilization. It is to mention that Musk has been divorced three times and has fathered 10 children. On several occasions, Musk has dubbed humans as “producing machines”. Recently, he has contested that the world needs to dig more oil and produce maximum babies in accordance to keep civilization going.

“It’s important that people have enough babies to support civilisation. They say civilisation might die with a bang or with a whimper. If we don’t have enough kids, then we will die with a whimper in adult diapers. That would be depressing,” he said. “Make more babies. At least make enough babies sustain the population,” stressed Musk.

The critical remarks from Musk came while speaking at an oil and gas conference in Stavanger, Norway. During his entire speech, he constantly concentrated on key areas such as climate change, the use of renewable energy and “population decline”. When the reporters asked him about the greatest challenge in front of the world, he said the transition to renewable energies is crucial but added the birth rate was one of his favourite things to be concerned about.

Musk advises Norway to dig more oil

Stressing that there is a need of oil and gas for civilisation to continue to function, he said: “Especially these days, with the Russia sanctions, we do need to provide oil and gas to keep civilisation running.” “I think any reasonable person would conclude that. While at the same time accelerating the advent of sustainable energy,” added the world’s richest man. Further, while speaking in the context of Norway’s oil planning, he said the country needs more exploration in order to meet its daily requirements.

Musk– a father of 10 children

Musk, who is widely regarded as the richest person in the world, owns at least four companies: Tesla– a multinational automotive and clean energy company; SpaceX– spacecraft manufacturer, space launch provider, and a satellite communications corporation; The Boring Company– infrastructure and tunnel construction services company and Neuralink– a neurotechnology company that develops implantable brain-machine interfaces. Recently, Musk fathered two children with a top executive at his neurotechnology company in 2021.

According to a report by Business Insider, Musk had twins last November with one of his top executives, Shivon Zilis. With the addition of two new babies, the media report claimed Musk now fathers ten known children. The latest revelation came after the “duo” reportedly filed a petition to change the twins’ names.

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