Weekly Tarot Card Readings: Tarot prediction for September 11 to September 17 , let’s watch
Weekly Tarot Card Readings: Tarot prediction for September 11 to September 17, 2022. What do the cards have in store for Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and other zodiac signs for this week?

ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 20)
Love: Strength
Mood: The Magician
Career: The Star
Travelling to unexplored destinations is likely to rejuvenate you and bring you closer to nature. Romantic life is enthralling provided you care for your partner’s emotions. You are likely to spend time getting to know more about the company’s portfolio. It may help you realign your career goals. Keep your diet under control and exercise to remain fit and agile.
Businessmen should invest money only after considering the viability of a project. Any laxity may prove costly. However, any dealings in the real estate business may bring good gains. A rigid attitude could force family elders to take a drastic step on the domestic front. Don’t get unnerved when you face some obstacles in your path; make them stepping stones to success.
Lucky Number: 8
Lucky Colour: Peach
TAURUS (Apr 21-May 20)
Love: Judgement
Mood: The Emperor
Career: Three of Coins
On the professional front, you are likely to get an opportunity to be groomed as one of the top leaders. Children will catch the joyous vibrations on the domestic front and bring cheer with their innocence. A new fitness training program is likely to benefit you in maintaining a sense of overall wellbeing. Financial position begins to improve after a little halt from this week onwards.
Chances of involving in an unwanted argument with a romantic partner on the cards; stay away from conflict at all costs. Chances of taking possession of a house or apartment look bright for some this week. A religious sojourn or pilgrimage is also a possibility for some. You may find yourself open to suggestions, cooperation and doing things in a better way.
Lucky Number: 22
Lucky Colour: Lavender
GEMINI (May 21-Jun 21)
Love: Two of Wands
Mood: Eight of Cups
Career: Knight of Swords
Eating right and remaining health conscious may become a key to maintaining perfect fitness. You may get closer to acquiring your dream physique. Your economic front is likely to be very bright as a new source of earning may bring handsome profits. Romantic cues from someone you know would lift your spirits taking imaginations to scale heights.
A celebration or ceremony at home may keep you on your toes. A trip with family may strengthen your interpersonal relationships. A decision regarding the property will be to your liking. On the professional front, lack of determination in the workplace would prevent from achieving set targets.
Remain committed to succeed. Senior students may get success in ramping up their efforts on their academic front.
Lucky Number: 2
Lucky Colour: Light Blue
CANCER (Jun 22-Jul 22)
Love: Two of Coins
Mood: The Fool
Career: Temperance
Travelling with friends may turn out to be an exciting affair and open new avenues for some. Exercising self-discipline and self-control will keep you hale and hearty on the health front. New romance that some of you are going to experience would take the worries off your minds.
High time to develop the habit of appreciating the family’s achievements and rejoice in success to maintain domestic harmony. Make sure you keep financial dealings transparent on the business front as some clashes can erupt. Don’t get disappointed if your new ideas fail to get the nod of all colleagues because some people take a longer time to accept changes than others
. You may be rushed into buying property, but take your call with care and a clear mind.
Lucky Number: 3
Lucky Colour: Lemon
LEO (Jul 23-Aug 23)
Love: Page of Swords
Mood: Chariot
Career: The Empress
A desire to shine on the professional front is likely to put you in the achievers league. The long-term investment would fetch good financial returns and brighten your financial position.
Committed Leo’s plans to tie the knot with the family’s consent are likely to materialize soon. Don’t forget to take the help of family members to overcome personal problems. You stand to gain a lot from their wisdom and experience. Health remains good, as you keep yourself active with a new workout.
Travel to a new place without preconceived notions to enjoy the beauty of the destination. Those looking for bargain deals in farmland may get an interesting offer this week. Some of you may succeed in getting rid of bad habits with a unilateral focus.
Lucky Number: 11
Lucky Colour: White
VIRGO (Aug 24-Sept 23)
Love: The Fool
Mood: Two of Cups
Career: King of Wands
This week, you can expect the best in every task that you undertake. Your passion and determination to excel are likely to enhance your career prospects. A congenial family atmosphere would contribute to keeping spirits high and cheerful.
Alertness would save from suffering monetary losses and even make a small profit. Possession of a pre-booked house or apartment is likely to be offered soon. On the romantic front, you might have to wait for a little before things take a favourable turn. A reunion with friends is on the card. However, you may get saddled with footing the bills for others in an outing.
Students may perform to the best of their abilities and make their loved ones proud.
Lucky Number: 18
Lucky Colour: Red
LIBRA (Sept 24-Oct 23)
Love: The Hermit
Mood: Three of Wands
Career: The Magician
At work, things are changing very fast for the better. Remain on your toes to maintain your winning edge. Worries regarding a health issue are likely to disappear, as you make a quick recovery.
Your domestic front may be full of happiness, as news of the arrival of a baby is likely to elevate everyone’s mood. Planning fun activities together is likely to add spice to your life. Travelling proves a blessing in disguise by bringing love into your life. It will be in your interest to avoid investing in the share market as there is an indication of incurring losses.
Make sure you restrain yourself from investing in property in haste as well. A careless deal may affect capital or block your money. You may spend time in the company of like-minded people later in the week.
Lucky Number: 4
Lucky Colour: Dark Slate Grey
SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 22)
Love: The Star
Mood: The Tower
Career: Hierophant
You may perform very well under pressure, which is likely to impress your bosses. You are likely to get a new friendship opportunity later in the week.
Spend wisely. This is the secret mantra of keeping financial position vibrant. Desert the habit of unnecessarily finding faults in others especially on the family front to maintain harmony. Health is likely to remain at low ebb making you susceptible to allergy. Take necessary precautions and preventive care.
Some of you may pay a surprise visit to a loved one at a far-off place. Right now may not be the perfect time to invest in a new property. Focus attention on your priorities and situations might come under control.
Lucky Number: 15
Lucky Colour: Navy Blue
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23-Dec 21)
Love: Nine of Cups
Mood: Tower
Career: The Sun
A business trip is likely to fetch handsome returns and help put in motion your expansion plans. Taking the suggestion of family elders will help in overcoming personal problems and makes your relationship stronger.
While assigning a new task to subordinates make sure to discuss with them how they plan to accomplish it. You are likely to feel that it is easier to give up than to continue on the romantic front this week. Avoid hasty decisions to save the bond. Achieving the perfect figure and physique may be on your mind and drive you in that direction. Restrain yourself from associating with people who could harm your reputation.
Some acquaintances might take undue advantage of extra generous behaviour. A journey is likely to be quite comfortable without any chances of issues or delays in between.
Lucky Number: 22
Lucky Colour: Light Blue
CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 21)
Love: The World
Mood: The Fool
Career: Eight of Coins
Having good health will give you motivation and energy to do something productive this week. You should take the help of your pleasing personality to succeed in your professional endeavour.
While suggesting a new method check through feedback whether subordinates have understood what you want. Avoiding a temper flare on the domestic front would harmonise relations with other members. Spending more than income would compound financial problems. So, watch out for frivolous expenditure. Temporary separation from a romantic partner would cause agony in love life. Golden memories of time together may help you tide over the tough times.
Your home is where you can relax and unwind from the stresses of everyday life, so make it a haven. Students preparing to study abroad are likely to receive a call from a foreign university of their choice.
Lucky Number: 4
Lucky Colour: Grey
AQUARIUS (Jan 22-Feb 19)
Love: Knight of Coins
Mood: The Hanged man
Career: The Sun
An ability to take quick decisions is likely to come in handy on the professional front. Some may even get selected for a leadership role.
Perfect strategies with timely execution would enable to bring monetary gains. A confident and dynamic approach brings professional success to young personnel. A patient and mature handling would enable to solve family problems. Some of you may be a step closer to acquiring your dream property this week. An official trip may need to be rescheduled to accommodate some additional tasks.
Discretion and caution should be your watchword as enemies might try to cause some harm. You might have to visit a lawyer to take some legal advice. Aquarian’s health will need attention, as they may be feeling extremely weak.
Lucky Number: 7
Lucky Colour: Turquoise
PISCES (Feb 20-Mar 20)
Love: Two of Coins
Mood: Six of Wands
Career: Five of Swords
Following honest and to-the-point approach help in achieving career goals. For businessmen trying different businesses this week will be more profitable and helpful in improving their financial prospects.
If you are single, you might randomly meet someone interesting through work or a work connection and enjoy an exciting romance. Revealing personal and confidential information to relatives will upset family members. Legal hassles on the property front cannot be ruled out for some. Throw away gloom, which is enveloping you and disrupting your progress on the health front. By travelling you will learn about new places, ultimately it’s a great deal for yourself. So, go ahead and explore happily.
You can be accused of being the initiator of a property dispute. Keeping patience coupled with commonsense and understanding brings success.
Lucky Number: 9
Lucky Colour: Orange