World Arthritis Day – October 12, 2022, history significance

World Arthritis Day – October 12, 2022, history significance

World Arthritis Day is celebrated on October 12 every year. The day is designed to raise global awareness about the plurality of Arthritis. Doctors and well-wishers try to raise awareness through activities and awareness campaigns.

Discussions are held regarding the symptoms connected to arthritis and the importance of early diagnosis. Patients are also told of the ways to gain access to proper medical treatment. Among the different types of arthritis are ankylosing spondylitis, gout, lupus, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. With timely medical intervention, patients can lead a comfortable life.

History of World Arthritis Day

World Arthritis Day – October 12,

World Arthritis Day (WAD) was first celebrated in the year 1996. It was established by Arthritis and Rheumatism International (ARI). WAD recognizes and raise awareness of arthritis and how it affects the lives of those who suffer from it. It encourages policymakers to help lower the burden of those who have Arthritis from all over the world.

It is a global initiative created to raise awareness about the problems people face with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs). Early analysis is key to preventing further damage. However, RMD often receives delayed or no diagnosis. Due to a lack of awareness about arthritis, it reduces the quality of people’s lives and affects their physical abilities.

Physical therapy is found to be effective in helping people to control joint pains. Arthritis can sometimes be controlled by increasing physical exercise and working to reduce weight. Other treatment includes resting the joint and alternatively applying ice and heat over the pain.

Get knowledge about the importance of early diagnosis and timely admittance to evidence-based treatment. Early symptoms include the inability to use the hand or walk, difficulty moving the joint, poor sleep, malaise and fatigue, weight loss, tenderness, muscle aches, and pains. The secondary effects include muscle weakness, loss of flexibility, decreased aerobic fitness.

Research shows that arthritis has been existing in humans back from 4500 BC. The researchers have found out that it is one of the most common disorders of prehistoric peoples. It was first carefully examined classified and written in 1715 in William Musgraves’s work, De Arthritide symptomatic.

From the Greek word arthro, the term Arthritis is derived. It means common, and the Greek meaning of the term Arthritis is inflammation. The name implies that it is a condition that involves inflammation of the joints. Gout, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis are some of the more common causes of this painful disease.


4500 B.C.
First Mention of Arthritis
Reference to arthritis is found in texts at least as far back as 4500 B.C.

123 A.D.
References to Rheumatoid Arthritis
A text dating back to 123 A.D. first describes symptoms that appear similar to rheumatoid arthritis.

First Formal Evidence
French physician Guillaume de Baillou applies the age-old term ‘rheumatism’ to a condition characterized by swelling, stiffness, and pain.

Rheumatoid Arthritis is Differentiated from Osteoarthritis
Sir Alfred Garrod renames rheumatoid arthritis, defining it as separate from osteoarthritis.


Raise awareness
Find out how arthritis affects people, and learn about how you can help patients. Pledge to help out an arthritis patient whenever you can.

Take care of yourself
Although arthritis isn’t entirely preventable, it can be controlled with regular exercise and a proper diet. On World Arthritis Day, resolve to take care of your health.

Prepare yourself
You can also head over to the Arthritis Foundation’s website and take their test to find out if you’re at risk of osteoarthritis. This will get you early treatment and preparation.


There are some unique treatments
The venom left from a bee sting may reduce the signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

Animals suffer from it too
Any creature with bones is at risk of suffering from arthritis.

Injuries may lead to arthritis
Young adults with injuries are six times more likely to develop osteoarthritis.

Children may have arthritis too
Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is the most common type of arthritis among children.

Climate can’t cure it
Contrary to popular belief, a warmer climate does not relieve arthritis.


Creates awareness
The main focus of World Arthritis Day is to raise awareness of the disease. Increased awareness means more people are able to recognize their condition and avail themselves of treatment.

Creates a community
World Arthritis Day is also an opportunity for patients, families, and caregivers to come together and share their experiences. This creates a sense of belonging.

Celebrates progress
Research on new treatments and medicines for arthritis is always ongoing. And the day celebrates arthritis patients and medical science’s progress toward defeating the disease.

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