YouTuber Jenna Marbles, born on September 15, happy birthday, career, net worth
Jenna Marbles, born on September 15, 1986, is a YouTube phenomenon who rose to fame after uploading videos like “How to Trick People Into Thinking You’re Good Looking,” which gained 5.3 million views in the first week. Before declaring that she would be leaving YouTube in June 2020,

she amassed approximately 20 million subscribers to her channel. YouTube wasn’t her first choice, but after a series of half-hearted jobs, she discovered her true calling — producing videos. She’s grown into the well-known YouTube personality we all know and love, and we’d like to wish her a wonderful birthday today.
Full Name:
Jenna Nicole Mourey
Mubble, Marbles
Birth date:
September 15, 1986
Zodiac Sign:
5′ 5″
Relationship Status:
Net Worth:
$8 million
Jenna Nicole Mourey, better known as Jenna Marbles, is a former YouTuber with her channel having around 20 million subscribers. Marbles grew up in Rochester, New York, where she was born. She subsequently relocated to Boston, Massachusetts, where she got a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Suffolk University and a master’s degree in sports psychology and counseling from Boston University.
She made a living by bartending, working at a tanning salon, blogging, and nightclub go-go dancing. Marbles began her career the next year with “Barstool Sports,” where she worked as a writer for “StoolLaLa,” the company’s female-oriented website. In 2011, she quit the publication.
“How to Trick People Into Thinking You’re Good Looking,” launched in 2010, was one of the first of Mourey’s videos to acquire traction on the platform, with over 5.3 million views in its first week. In August 2011, “The New York Times” and “ABC News” broadcast her video “How to Avoid Talking to People You Don’t Want to Talk To.”
In the “Epic Rap Battles of History” episode “Adam vs. Eve,” Mourey played Eve. She also appeared in “Smosh — The Movie” and “The Annoying Orange, Ridiculousness.” Marbles became the first YouTube personality to have her likeness replicated as a wax figure displayed at Madame Tussauds New York.
Marbles’s boyfriend, Julien Solomita, announced on Twitter on June 26 that the couple’s joint podcast and Twitch streaming will be suspended indefinitely. When Solomita returned to streaming on the joint Twitch channel on July 6, he announced on behalf of both of them that the channel would be transitioning to be solely run under his name, as Mourey wished to remain out of the spotlight.
The YouTube Channel
Marbles posts her first video on YouTube, titled “Charles Franklin Marbles Is a Sad, Sad Man,” which has more than 1.9 million views at the time of this writing.
The Hit Video Goes Viral
Her video “How To Trick People Into Thinking You’re Good-Looking” becomes an instant hit and paves the way for becoming a successful YouTuber.
The Video is Featured on Media
Another video with over 36 million views, “How To Avoid Talking To People You Don’t Want To Talk To,” is featured in “The New York Times” and “ABC News” in August.
The First Recognition Award
Mourey wins Viral Superstar at the Young Hollywood Awards in 2014.
The Wax Figure Tribute
She becomes the first-ever YouTuber star to have unveiled a wax figure of herself at Madame Tussauds New York.
She lives life on her terms
If there’s one thing we know about Jenna Marbles, it’s that she’ll always be herself. She will completely, unabashedly change her hair, shave off her brows, and cover herself in paraffin wax if she so desires.
She loves animals
Mourey is a proud pet owner, which is no secret. Her dogs appear in her videos regularly, and her fur family has grown over time.
She is authentic
Despite her dramatic rise to stardom, Mourey values sincerity over financial gain. It’s no surprise that she’s been offered a slew of lucrative deals over the years, given her 3.1 billion YouTube views and counting. Despite this, our girl continues to pass up these opportunities — and the lucrative income that comes with them — in favor of making stuff that she truly believes in.
No woman has more YouTube subscribers
Known for her humor that can make anyone roll over the floor, Marbles has the most Youtube subscribers as a woman.
Her YouTube name comes from her dog
Starting with her original name, she changed her online name to ‘Jenna Marbles’ (after Mr. Marbles) after her mom complained that it would ruin her chances of getting a job.
She’s got a soft spot for dogs
Marbles is the happy mother of three puppies — Mr. Marbles, a chihuahua who inspired her pseudonym, and Kermit and Peach, two Italian greyhounds.
Her dogs have their living room
Marbles transformed her under-the-stairs storage into a dog-friendly living area.
She has a dog-toy brand
‘Kermie Worm & Mr. Marbles,’ Marbles’ brand of dog toys, was launched because she was obsessed with dogs.
Is Jenna Marbles still vegan?
Jenna Marbles is a vegan YouTube Vlogger.
Does Jenna Marbles have a child?
No, she does not have a child.
What is the age difference between Jenna and Julien?
Jenna is six years older. When they started dating in mid-2013, Julien was 21, and Jenna was 27.