Bail Pola 2022 The festival of Pola is known by names like Bail Pola, Motha Pola and Tanha Pola. This festival is celebrated for two days. Bullocks are worshiped on this day. Know everything about Bail Pola festival
Bail Pola 2022: Pola festival on 27th August, know the importance and reason to celebrate

New Delhi, Bail Pola 2022: According to the Panchang, the festival of Pola is celebrated on the new moon day of Bhadrapada. It is also known as Pithori Amavasya, Kushagrahani, Kushotpatini. This festival is celebrated with pomp in Maharashtra, Karnataka, Chhattisgarh. There is a law to worship bulls on this day. Because this festival is associated with the farmers, which ends in the month of August. Know the importance of the festival of Pola.
The festival of Pola is known by names like Bail Pola, Motha Pola and Tanha Pola. This festival is celebrated for two days. Bullocks are worshiped on this day. Along with this, a clay or wooden horse is made for the child, with which he goes from house to house and gets money or gifts.
Reason for celebrating Pola festival
According to mythology, when Lord Vishnu took the Krishna avatar and was born on the day of Janmashtami. When Kansa came to know about this, he had sent many demons to kill Kanha. One of these asuras was Polasura. Kanha was killed by the demon Polasura with his pastimes. Pola Sur was killed on the new moon day of Bhadrapada from Kanha. That is why this day came to be called Pola. That is why this day is called Children’s Day.
This is how Bail Pola festival is celebrated
On the day of Bhado Amavasya, a day after the Pola festival, the ropes of the bull and the cow are untied and their whole body is massaged with turmeric, rubbish, mustard oil. After this, they are bathed well on the day of Pola festival. After this they are decorated and a garland containing beautiful bells is put around the neck. The cows or oxen who are with them are dressed in clothes and metal rings.