Chess Olympiad 2022-India B team beat Italy

India B team beat Italy

Chess Olympiad: 3-1 win in open category

In the Chess Olympiad being held for the first time in India, the series of impressive performances of the host teams continues. India B defeated Italy 3-1 in the open category on Monday. D Gukesh and Nihal Sarin won their respective matches.

Jamaican player showed sportsmanship:

Estonian chess player Knepp Miles, 39, fainted while playing against Jamaica’s Shaw Jaden. When he fainted after Jaden’s 39th move, Miles was in a winning position. He was taken to a private hospital, where his condition was stated to be stable. Not seeing the timing and instead winning the game, Jaden offered a draw, which the captain accepted. Estonia won the match 3.5–0.5.

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